strike zone

WGA Announces Tentative Deal; Tina Fey Goes Back to Work

Photo illustration: AP

After three long months of work-stopping labor unrest, Tina Fey can finally put down her picket sign. At a press conference yesterday, WGA president Patric Verrone announced the details of a tentative three-year agreement with the studios that will likely bring an end to the writers’ strike, with TV-show runners (like Fey) set to return to work this morning and other scribes on Wednesday. The Writers Guild’s general membership still has to vote to end picketing tomorrow and approve the deal sometime in the next twelve days, but everything indicates that they will, after meetings this weekend ended with no major dissent.

The actual terms of the agreement are probably beyond the scope of this blog post, but just know that writers will at last be paid for Internet thingies, and you can finally bring your TV back down from the attic.

Showrunners back to work Monday [Variety]

WGA Announces Tentative Deal; Tina Fey Goes Back to Work